Thursday, December 13, 2007

No real noticable changes...

At least there seems to be a lack of visible changes. That's kind of frustrating because I know most people see the most change within the first few weeks of going on a 'diet' and exercising regularly.

I've been keeping at it for the most part, and to be honest it hasn't been that 'tough' on me. The only problem is I still sneak in some alcohol here or there, but it's not enough to get me drunk or anything. Maybe the reason I'm not where I thought I'd be at this point is because of the stress some women put on me. That's obviously a post for a different blog, and once again I digress...

So I have a couple new pictures I'm going to post, including a 'posed' picture. One that works the angles and lighting to make me look a bit more fit than I really am. But I think there's a big difference to how I look flexed now than I did a few weeks ago, but unfortunately have no comparative shots. Anyways to the moment you've all been waiting for...

The only thing that seems to have changed here is my beard... :D

Behold! The stand up straight, stomach sucked in pose! And how about those freakin PJ's!?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Has it really been 20 days since my last post?

Good lord. Anyways, well it's me again - who else would it be? I can't believe it's been 20 days since my last post, and to be honest I look pretty much exactly the same. I'm still doin the diet for the most part, however a couple weeks ago (Thanksgiving) was kind of a slack off week.

I can't do much to save myself when I'm back in Gloucester at my parents house because it's filled with poptarts, and with such an easy snack (or meal) 5 seconds away, who has time to go to the grocery store to buy bread and turkey and make a healthy sandwich?

Some updates I guess, is I bought some creatine... yeah I know I know... but I figured it's worth a try anyway right? Maybe steroids will be next... then coke if I need to slim down some more...

So this past week (starting Tuesday) I've been pretty good about my diet etc and I've been to the gym everyday except Friday and today. Next week I'll have some more pictures, hopefully there'll maybe be a difference? We'll see... maybe I'll lose some weight cause of the stress I'll be put under at work, but I digress...

Until next time.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A few days later. Progress?

Naw no visible progress but it's only been what like, 5 days. Monday I didn't really get a full day of eating right because that's the day I actually went shopping, and didn't do that until after work. Tuesday I did awesome, and Wednesday was good too - but Thursday I woke up late and didn't have time for anything, and didn't even create a meal plan for that day. Go me!

Anyways Friday was good except for dinner with a couple friends but I got chicken, so that's gotta be good right? No, it wasn't fried. Today has been pretty good so far too.

Another reason that I may be slow to see any visible progress is because I haven't been to the damn gym all week! It's my own fault, as I took naps every day after work. Don't ask me why -but I just do. I love to sleep. But today I actually went and even took my road bike there. Holy ass am I out of shape cardio wise. I'm like severely out of breath after just going down the damn street! I made it to the gym (and back) alive though. I did a few sets of 135 on bench (reps of 10) but my stamina sucks. I haven't been consistant enough at the gym to do shoulders and triceps and you really need those supporting muscles to keep doin bench otherwise your arms wear out fast and although your chest can keep goin, your arms fail. Plus, I'm all set with dropping weights on my neck. I don't know why, it's just a preference to live, I guess. So today I just did some shoulders and biceps to try to build up a bit of stamina. I did shoulders first like a retard so tri's were out of the question.

I'm about to make myself an egg salad sandwich and get ready to cook up some chicken. I'm gonna have to find a way to sneak in some flavor to the damn chicken breasts but hopefully nothing too detrimental to my 'regimen'.

I got a couple pictures up just to show that I look exactly the same, although I did get a hair cut. Holy ass am I sexy with that haircut!

P.S. Cold air burns the lungs worse than FIRE when doing any cardio in it.
P.P.S I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in almost a full week (tomorrow will be 7 days). That's impressive for this guy.

P.P.P.S. I plan on taking these pictures in sort of a collage at the end (not that I plan to end getting into shape) but to show the progress in one quick glance. So while these are boring now, hopefully they'll be great motivational tools for me (and maybe yourself) later on.

Monday, November 5, 2007

An introduction

Alright, hey. My name is Jeremy and I'm 25 years old bachelor, and I've always been a pretty thin kid/guy my entire life. Lately though (lately = past 7 years) I've been drinking loooots of beer and while I eat pretty healthy for the most part, I've lost a lot of motivation to do any cardio. With the drinking situation, I usually drink pretty heavily for at least 2 days out of the week. By no means horrible, but not great by any stretch of the imagination.

I used to play a lot of rollerhockey, go swimming, bike, skate etc. during the 3 out of 4 seasons a year, but as life as moved foward, and I've gotten a 9-5 (ok.. 10-6) job Monday through Friday, I haven't really found much time to do anything. I wake up late usually, get to work, hunch forward and do whatever I need to do on the computer, and then I'm back here around 6. Lately I've been taking a lot of naps after I get home, then maybe if I'm lucky I'll get up around 8/8:30 and go to the gym for an hour and a half.
All of that needs to stop (well, I'd like to keep my job) but I need to be motivated to do other things, that get me up and off this damn computer, although I love it so. However the biggest thing is I need to cut back on my alcohol intake. Easier said than done, and some days are much different than others.
At my current point in life, I'm roughly 6'2 and 195lbs. 195lbs would be nice if I had any muscle to speak of, instead it's mostly a nice beer gut. While I'm not a really fat guy compared to a lot of people who would be considered overweight, I'm definitely not comfortable in my body in its current form. I'm not used to having my stomach hang over my pants. It's a new experience lately that I can really do without - and I need to do something about it.

So I'm starting some sort of program. I signed up for a 'personal trainer'-esque thing through Mens Health, and it's got a personalized eating program that is the thing I'm sorely lacking. That and some structure. So I think with a place to keep all my meals (planned ahead) it will be a lot easier for me to keep up with eating healthy, hopefully long enough that it becomes a habit and lifestyle change.

So I'll post some measurements of my beer gut and whatever else (in the pants size?) and I'll do my best to keep this updated to chart any progress (or regression). I'll even throw up a few unflattering pictures of a shirtless me with Family Guy pajama pants. Man... if only I weren't me, I'd do me...


Damn, forgot a side view. I'll post it later.

I got one too! Just got a little more brown sugar on mine...

Chronicles of Shape Shifting

OK so I promised myself I'd start this blog as a way to make myself keep track of any progress I make getting back into shape / keep me obligated to do so, because being a liability for my workout partner isn't enough to motivate me. Hopefully this will work, but I'm notoriously bad at keeping blogs.

I'm late for a date with the shower, so after I do that and eat and get settled into being back in the house, I'll update once again with a little intro about myself and what I'm trying to accomplish. So until then... do whatever you would normally do.